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Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0 DVD-ROM

Lineox™ Enterprise Linux 3.0 DVD-ROM

9.90 €, shipping 2 € for first, 0.50 € for each additional disk. Priority mailing.

Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0 is a versatile and highly adaptive Linux distribution, suitable for workstation and office use as well as for high-end servers. For servers, Lineox Enterprise Linux contains advanced server, cluster suite, developer suite, and other tools. The office users are provided with the Open Office suite, user-friendly GUI environments, an extensive collection of Internet and productivity tools, and entertainment software. And because of the exceptional pricing, even the home user can enjoy the high-end features of Lineox Enterprise Linux.

Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0 does not contain any support. Lineox is however offering program package updates for free for a limited time and later as a paid subscription.

The preferred package manager in Lineox Enterprise Linux 3.0 is apt-get and its graphical front-end, synaptic. The advantage of apt-get is that it resolves package dependencies automatically. In other words, if you wish to install package foo, which needs package bar to function, but you don't have package bar installed, apt-get notices this automatically, reports that you also need package bar, and offers to install it too for you. Apt-get can also be used to install packages from apt-get repositories found on the Internet.

Lineox Linux LIFF

Lineox Linux LIFF - the complete Linux documentation collection - can be browsed from the DVD after you have installed Lineox Enterprise Linux. If you install LIFF, you can search this vast collection of documents for keywords in seconds. Among this vast documentation collection you will find:
  • 2 772 printed pages of documentation that can be applied to Lineox Enterprise Linux! Yet they consume only 119MB of 900MB of total space used by documentation files in LIFF.
  • HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and LDP books from the Linux Documentation Project
  • Info and man pages converted to HTML format
  • All documentation included in various programs included in Lineox Linux

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